Saturday, October 30, 2010

My Pumpkin

Bonus post - Dunning showing off my newly carved pumkin! You'll notice that it's the big monster from 'Where the wild things are'. Oh ... no you won't. Dunning ATE my pumkin!!!!!

Understanding My Toys

(Friday's Post) Today the boy was figuring out his toys! When I handed him his car, he would put it on top of the race track and push it to the bottom. He would also take a ball from me and put it in the proper slots of another toy. Smart boy!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Halloween Pic No. 1

I Can Use A Spoon!

This morning the boy would not eat his cereal unless he fed himself! He actually did a pretty good job! I'd put the cereal on the spoon and give it to him. He'd half eat it and half smear it over his face. Yeah for boy!

The rest of our day was spent going to story time at the library, and then coin hunting at the banks!! We found lots of silver dollars, 50 cent pieces, and the new 2010 Poppy coins!! :)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Hitting The Trails

Another beautiful day so Chippy and I went for a walk on one of the local trails. We looked at leaves, trees, birds and chipmunks. We also watched the golfers on the adjacent course. It was a perfect day!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Nice Day

Today was such a nice day that we went for a nice long walk when we came back from daycare. Our 'long' walk consisted of walking as far as our neighbours house on each side. After every 2-3 steps Chippy bent down and picked up leaves, then wanted to sit and play with them. When another baby went by, he turned around and wanted to walk in the direction of the baby. Finally mommy picked him up and carried him to the park where we practiced our walking and played on the swings.

Daycare went better today!

They Didn't Let Me Vote

(Monday's post) Here we are upon returning from the polls. While mom was on the voters list twice, Chippy C. was no where to be found! Oh well, maybe next time.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Bonus Picture

Just because he's cute. This is frozen blueberries from yesterday.

And I Babble Too!

We thought we had been hearing a 'b' sound in his speech for the past few days, but today we really heard it. It's not all the time - normally when he's eating or when he's tired. He doesn't do it until about 1.20 in the video, and it's not much, but all I could get on video.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


These videos should speak for themselves! We started walking today - very deliberate steps ... 10+ in a row!

On a sad note, I think we're coming down with a cold. :(

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

New Play Area

After being bonked on the head one too many times by the coffee table, we decided to change around the living room today to make it more child friendly. We now have a larger space that he can play in and he won't trip over his toys any longer. We have a lego station, musical table station, laundry bin 'o toys station, and a poke Dunning station (standing at the couch). We go between the kitchen and the front door to ride our bike or use the walker.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Ready For Daycare

Today was Chippy's first day of daycare! He did well until 10:30 ... and then he fell apart! They said it was because he missed me ... I think it's because he missed his 1 1/2 hour morning nap!! :) Anyway, he made it through and didn't seem any the worse for wear. Back again next Tuesday!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Baby, It's Cold Outside!

After breakfast today we went for a walk uptown. It was pretty chilly so we got out our new winter jacket! It's a bit big on us right now, but it does the job. (The exact comment from the cashier at Shoppers was that he looked like a deer caught in headlights!) The snowsuit is a hand-me-down from Aiden, but it looks brand new! We went for two more walks this afternoon, but it had warmed up by then so we reverted to our fall jacket.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Figuring It Out

(Friday post) We finally figured out that if we tip our head back, we get milk out of a bottle! He drank two whole bottles of milk by himself yesterday! Maybe now we can give the sippy cup another shot...

Thursday, October 14, 2010


Looking back, I can't believe I didn't post this earlier. Chippy has been walking with his walker for a few weeks now. Although, now he is getting quite good at it. Today I was in the kitchen putting some of Dunning's toys away when things went quiet in the living room. All of a sudden, Chippy came careening around the corner with his walker. I hadn't seen him take a corner before. Usually he would go straight until he hit something. He's also really good at transferring back and forth between the walker and something else like the wall / piano / couch etc.

Mimicking Mom

(Wednesday post) For a little while now, the boy has been mimicking two things at meal times. One, he'll dance from side to side with his head. Two, he'll bang on his tray! Both things he'll do if he sees you doing it first! Too cute! :) We had a nice long dance session at dinner tonight!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Today the boy demonstrated his upper body strength. Daddy and I were in his room with him this morning when he climbs up on my legs, holds onto the top of his dresser and starts doing a chin up. For a few moments his feet were not touching the ground! This picture is after his amazing feat ... he didn't repeat ... understandably as his arms must have been tired!

On a separate note, I looked into his room this afternoon when he was sleeping and he was in the most unusual position. Essentially, he had been sitting up, he leaned forward to hug Spot, and fell asleep! No picture, but I wish I had.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Bum Up!

Came in last night to check on the boy, and this is how we found him! Bum straight up in the air and Spot under his arm! :)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I'm Up!

The boy has a new way of letting us know when he's up. Sometimes it's crying, but he has added pounding or kicking the wall to his repertoire. And, of course, he's standing while he pounds! I'm not sure if it's because he likes the sound, or if he's playing with the decals that we have on the wall. He has already peeled one of the decals off the wall! At any rate, we no longer need to take the listening device downstairs with us. The boy announces to the whole house when he's up!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


While he has been doing a bit of this for a while, today is the first day that the Chipster crawled more on all fours than on his stomach. The amount that he has crawled on his hands and knees is almost directly correlated with his pulling up on furniture (walls, cribs, people, dogs...). Since he can get a better grip and stand up easier starting from his knees, he now uses them as a mode of transportation too!
Today we went to an apple orchard! :) They didn't have pick your own today, but we did buy a lot of apples!

Stacking Toy

(Monday post) Today we played with the stacking toy and the boy started taking off the rings one by one! This is a change from when he would flip it over and they would fall off. (Hard to show this in a picture) We also went to the library today.

This weekend we found our 7th tooth!!! (His bottom right)

Friday, October 1, 2010


While the boy has stood for brief moments in the past, today he started to stand for longer periods of time. He's really good now at pulling up on just about anything, and so he's just starting to go the extra step of gingerly letting go of whatever he's holding onto. If he has a small toy in his hand he'll balance for longer than if his hands are free. It's almost as if he knows he's doing something different and falls back on purpose. With the toy, I don't think he even realizes he's standing on his own! Today he stood for over 10 seconds!

Let Me Outta Here!

(Yesterday's Entry) Today Gampy installed the new baby gate. Good thing he was here because mommy and daddy didn't exactly measure correctly when they purchased the gate! Anyway, as long as I never have to leave my room or the nook, I'll be safe!