Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

What a good halloween night!  Chippy wasn't too sure for the first little while, but once we'd hit a few houses he got into the swing of things.  Having Wee M along really helped - he got double the candy!  Good thing daddy wasn't around to tell us it was time to go home!!!
When mommy was growing up, it was hitting the mother lode if you got a full chocolate bar ... somehow Chippy (aka Spot) ended up with SIX tonight!!!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Happy 19th Birthday!

Chippy's 19th birthday present arrived today!

Arts and Crafts with Grammy!

All ready for show and share on Friday!!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Chippy's October Update

When Chippy and I were having breakfast this morning, I realized that he was now speaking in complete sentences!  We had made 'hot cereal', and he said 'I'm putting my cereal in the freezer to cool down'.  He also likes to say 'Doing Mommy, doing?' when he wants to know what you are doing.  Sometimes he'll repeat it every 10 seconds or so to get a running commentary.  Sometimes when he says stuff, he gets a serious look on his face, puts his chin down and looks at you out of the corner of his eye.  Then he'll shake his head yes or no when he's talking.  

We have been getting good reports from daycare.  While Brodie/Sean Thomas have had the top friend spot for a while, it appears that William and Liam are challenging them for top spot!  We hear more about William now than we do about Brodie!  New pictures went up at daycare today and it was William that Chippy was playing with!

Chippy has been really good recently!  He gets toys out for Maisie to play with and he generally does what mummy and daddy ask him to do.  One challenge we have is at dinner time when he wants to get up and play - he'll say he's going into the other room to find 'something special'.  We've basically come to the conclusion that he pigs out at breakfast and lunch and doesn't need a big dinner.

Chippy still loves his books!  His favourite book right now is Go Dog Go, of which he can recite about half of it by heart.  He doesn't seem to have a favourite toy right now.  He moves around from toy to toy - from using his tools to fix things to making long trains to riding around on his cars.  

His imagination is really taking off, too.  We aren't limited to bears biting him any longer (it still happens occasionally), but now lots of other things happen.  This morning there were elephants outside while we ate our breakfast.  Chippy didn't want spaghetti and meatballs last night, but when Grammy suggested that we have dinosaur toes, he was totally up for it (even though it was still meatballs!).

Monday, October 15, 2012


Courtesy of the best sweet shop around - located in Marine City! 

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Happy Birthday, Dad!

Happy birthday, daddy!  For daddy's birthday, Chippy wrote his and Maisie's name on the card!  Mummy helped a little bit, but other than the M and the S's it was all Chippy!