Thursday, January 13, 2011

Good Sport

Today Chippy had to bite the bullet and get his three shots! He got two in his legs at the same time, and one in his arm shortly after. He cried for about a minute and then was fine. He fell asleep in the buggy on the way home and slept for an hour at home. After that he was back to his old self!! The nurses debated for about 10 minutes as to whether or not he could get the shots given he wasn't '100% healthy'. Is there such a thing as 100% healthy kids who are starting daycare!?


  1. What a brave little man!!! He needs to give some tips to Bean!!! Or perhaps he's just happy to say "bye-bye" to those people with those needles!!

  2. Poor little guy! What a trooper!
    Jo, I'm a little slow on the uptake, I hadn't clued in about the shirt!! Just glad it fit! Needles must just be so hard to subject him to...
