Sunday, February 13, 2011

Toot, toot...

Chippy's weekend consisted of walking around downstairs with either his snail or his train -- but, his train is definately his favourite! Up and down, up and down the hall for hours! Toot, toot...!!
The other thing he has started to do is play with his truck. He gets down on his hands and knees and pushes the truck along the floor. Play time is getting really fun these days!!


  1. Isn't it funny how little boys gravitate to cars, trucks and trains? And Isaac, he's turning into 100% little man!! He's gonna be like his Grampa and love car chase scenes in movies!!

  2. He looks like he's about FIVE, here!! He's humungus!! Remember Colin and trains? Thomas and Percy and ....heehee. Boys will be boys, eh?

  3. Oh my goodness...he is getting to be SUCH a big boy!
