Monday, May 30, 2011

My First Trike!

We finally broke down this weekend and got Chippy his very own tricycle! He can't reach the pedals yet, but he sure does love to have a ride! He had a little hissy fit at the store when we tried to take him off the floor model. Not that we're trying to spoil the boy, I mean, we were going get him a bike at some point anyway ... At any rate, Daddy INSISTED that we get him the trike! :)

As a testament to how much he loves his bike rides, he HATES to wear his helmet, but he knows that he must wear it if he's going to get on his bike. He will go and get his helmet and hand it to you when he wants to go for a ride (which is about 20 minutes after the last ride)!!

And a bonus (??) I have included a picture of our special lady friend enjoying the garden.

SW Ontario

We packed up and headed home for the long weekend! Mommy had a camera free weekend so these are pictures from Auntie Lorri and Grammy.
Chippy watched the frogs and rocks (I think he liked the rocks better) at Ojibway Park while at Auntie Lorri & Uncle Marc's. He also did his routine check of kitchen cupboards and drawers. All checked out okay!

Thursday, May 19, 2011


A few reasons why Kingston is the best place to live! Just before dinner we're playing outside and spot the Snowbirds flying overhead. We took off down to the water and watched the rest of their show. Now, while finishing the blog, I'm looking out the window and watching fireworks over the lake!! Thankfully Chippy didn't wake up!

Cottage Time!

Here's a few snaps of Chippy and Dunning at the cottage last weekend...

Trombone Lesson #1

He needs to work on his form a bit ...

Mummy's Day!

It was Mothers Day a few weeks ago and Chippy surprised me with a new flash for my camera. Pictures should start to look a bit better now - especially inside pictures.

Chippy has been learning new things recently:
*He is really quick to learn what things are - he can point out a lot of objects in his books - he can point out all the stickers on his wall and all his bath toys - he can point out mommy, daddy, dunning, lights, and ears. He sometimes gets his mouth but he's still a bit confused about his nose!
*He has new teeth! Noticed yesterday that #12 has started to come in!
*He has started to come down the stairs with our help - he sits on his bum at the top of the stairs and scootches down each stair, holding on to the spindles.
*He's spending a lot more time reading by himself and spending more time on each page. He talks to himself a lot going through the book.

New Bike!

We're not quite riding our own bike yet, but Daddy hauls Chippy behind him in his very own Chariot! This picture was taken a few weeks ago when this ranked pretty far down on Chippy's favourite things to do. These days he's enjoying his chauffeur service a bit better.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Fun In The Sun

We opened up our Easter present from Bubba & Gampy & Lorri & Marc today and played outside for quite a while! Chippy was pulled inside kicking and screaming only after it turned a bit cool and he was covered in water!!