Sunday, August 28, 2011

Dinner at the Big Table

Chippy is interested in eating more of his meals at the big table as opposed to his high chair. So, today we went and got him a 'yellow pages' booster seat. It gets him to the perfect height at the table. We had a good dinner tonight with minimal spillage. I think we can work with this new arrangement!

Fascinated by the Music

Chippy found the Tivoli today and was completely enthralled by it. I think he was trying to find where the music was coming from. He searched every inch of it and he moved the dial to all the music stations. There was no clear winner in 'favourite' music. He's open to anything for the current time!

Monday, August 15, 2011

I'm Growing...

Chippy found out today that he didn't need the step stool to turn on the water ... he just has to use his tippy toes to turn it on ... and then walk away while it continues to run!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Dizzy Chippy

Chippy at the park in Windsor getting very, very dizzy!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Around the house today...

Grammy's House

Eating breakfast,having a drink, and joining the band!

Chippy & Bean - Reunion

Here are some pics of Chippy and Bean last week!

Talking Chippy

After weeks of trying to get Chippy to say multiple words on camera, we finally succeeded tonight in one take! Have a look!!!