Saturday, November 27, 2010

Babble babble...

(Thursday post) I came home from work on Thursday to a babbling baby! We have graduated from the bababa's to including da's, ga's, and ya's! I'll tell you about a recent conversation I had with my now babbling baby:

Baby: dada
Me: mama
Baby: da-dy
Me: mama
Baby: dada
Me: mama
Baby: da-dy

1 comment:

  1. Good heaven's look at him go!!! He's perpetual motion!!! His walking is superb and the chatting..... we'll let's just admit now that there are indeed some Bowers genes in there!!! Something tells me Daddy's days with little Chippy are going to be a fair bit more physically demanding that some of Mommy's mat leave days!!! Good luck Al!!
