Saturday, August 11, 2012


After such a long time between blogs, we have to start out with how well Chippy is doing on the potty! He went all day today with big boy underwear on!  He just needs a little encouragement and he does great!   He's a boy who will eat almost anything we serve him.  The only problem we're having now is that he doesn't want to sit through a meal ... too many more interesting things to do!

Chippy is also doing very well with his numbers.  He counts from 1 - 10 very easily and then skips to 14, 17, 19, 20 (or ten-ty as he calls it!).  He even seems to get the concept of adding one plus one and two plus one.  Letters are coming along as well.  He can recognize a good number of them.  He's starting to string quite a number of words together.  He gets going on telling a story and he can't seem to get the words out fast enough!  Sometimes he uses his hand to help tell a story ... he concentrates his eyes on his hand and pops it up and down and points all over the place when he gets going.  He can carry on a pretty good conversation on the phone, too!

He has started coming up with little games for himself.  At daycare, Heather brought in a bottle of rocks.  Chippy put a sheet over his head and stuck his hand in the jar and pulled out a rock.  He then announced what sort of rock it was - small smooth rock.  At the cottage he has a game where he pushes Gampy's acorns down into a hole in a lamp.  At the park today he was walking around a brick ledge like a balance beam.  He's also becoming an excellent soccer player - he'll play for long periods of time!  He's really good natured too - laughs a lot when he plays and doesn't get frustrated at all!

Chippy really loves books!  He will sit and listen through big boy books, and can finish the sentences for books that we've read a lot.  We're reading a lot of curious george books, Olivia, truck books, and a some really cute ones called The Mitten and Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus.

Something I've really noticed is how good his memory is.  He remembers all sorts of things that I would never expect him to.  If we comment on a car or a motorcycle one night on a walk, the next night he'll point to the spot where it was and say 'No car' or 'No motorcycle'.

Grammy/Pa taught Chippy his first card game this weekend.  Go Fish!  He teams up with Pa and he's honestly won every game he's played!

Finally, he's a boy that will do anything for his little sister!  Lots of hugs and kisses and 'Hi Maisie' or when he's being silly 'Hi Moy-soy'. If she's crying he'll get a toy for her and if she drops something he'll pick it up for her.  He's been nothing but the best big brother in the world!

1 comment:

  1. I'm convinced that the Toronto FC is going to be scouting this boy in a few years. Can he kick! And he never gets tired of running......and running.....and running!
