Thursday, September 27, 2012

A Dinosaur Bit Me!

Over the past week or so Chippy has been concerned about a dinosaur that has been biting him on occasion - usually in the middle of the night.  Last night Chippy saw the dinosaur right before bed time.  Mummy told him the dinosaur was saying goodnight and was going home to be tucked in by mummy dinosaur.  That seemed to solve the problem of the dinosaur ... too bad about the bear that bit him at about 4am!!


  1. We have to figure out a way to dinosaur-proof (and bear proof) that room of his! You have to love that imagination though.....

  2. While not all magical thinking is fun, having Santa and the Tooth Fairy as new best friends sure is. Be gone Dinosaurs and Bears, and bring in those creatures that come bearing gifts!! Ah, the next few years are the most delightful, just cause of the magic of make believe.
