Monday, September 3, 2012

Big Brother

Given Wee M is heading to the little house tomorrow, Chippy will have to watch out for her!  We have no worries there ... he's the best big brother ever!  Around dinner time, Chippy and Wee M play together in the living room.  If Chippy doesn't like that Wee M has one of his toys, he's good at swapping it out for one that he approves of.

Mr. Chippy has shortened everyone's names - not sure what brought this on.  We're now mom, dad, Maze and Dun.  Tonight after he was in bed I went in to see him and he chatted away to me for about 15 minutes before I finally told him it was time to close his eyes for bed.  One of his stories was something like going to look at a Kubota tractor then Thomas has wheels but they don't turn [referring to his bed] then something else, but he doesn't want to fall down.  I wasn't quite following his thought progression but I repeated it back to him and it seems like I heard correctly!  The gears are turning in his head but he just can't spit things out fast enough!  When dad puts him to bed now days, he wants to hear the door story and the light story ... so dad tells him about the history of his door or how we came to buy that light ... but now dad says that he has been instructed to tell the stories as if it's Chippy the one that stained and prepared the door or bought the light!  Oh, and if you ask him anything about time, it's always 'four-seven o'clock'.

Chippy has been a very good boy the last few days ... a few small fits, but mostly he's been a really good boy.


  1. Love the picture of them playing sweet. They are such good buddies.
    P.S. In my world, it's ALWAYS four-seven o'clock!

  2. For some odd reason, I got a little misty when I read this.... our wee Chipster is really growing up. He's really developing his own sense of self... independent thoughts, creative imagination, willing compassion... all amazing rites of passage. No longer does he see his Mom and Dad as an extension of himself. He is such a wonderful big brother, growing into a very intelligent and independent guy!! Four-seven o'clock will always be the moment for me that Chipster stopped being a toddler and officially became a preschooler!!
